
A fully operational factory production line will be set up at Hotel Hotel. The textile-making factory will produce a pencil case. The assembly line will open up the various steps at different stages of production from pattern making, to cutting, sewing and labeling, to quality control, pressing and packaging. It highlights the multiple inputs of the production line process - where no one person is responsible for the item being made - and contrasts this to the designer maker's process where one person is directly involved in each aspect of the making. Visitors are invited to join the workers from ANU at their individual stations and contribute to the production of the item being made.

All Fix and Make program attendees get 15% off their stay at Hotel Hotel. Book via hotel-hotel.com.au using the booking code HHFIXANDMAKE. Fine print - subject to availability and not available on Saturday or parliamentary sitting dates.


Scottish born artist Valerie Kirk is Head of Textiles at the Australian National University. While actively maintaining her practice, she has lead community tapestry projects and textile research tours, written a major thesis on woven tapestry, directed significant textile projects and created major commissioned works. She has held solo exhibitions and presented her work extensively in USA, Europe, Australia, NZ and SE Asia. Awards such as the HRH Prince Charles Award, Australia Council grants, Muse Arts Woman of the Year award and the Arts ACT Creative Arts Fellowship mark substantial success and her artwork is documented in the Telos Portfolio publication.

Date and Times


Mosaic room, Hotel HotelNewActon Nishi, 25 Edinburgh Ave, 2601 Acton,

